Factory second Fisher &Paykel 487L French Door Refrigerator RF522ADUX5


Factory second Fisher &Paykel 487L French Door Refrigerator RF522ADUX5


Factory second Fisher &Paykel 487L French Door Refrigerator RF522ADUX5

The Fisher & Paykel RF522ADUX5 features a 790mm width, a 1715mm height, and a 695mm depth. It has a stainless steel finish, an ice and water dispenser, adjustable SpillSafe glass shelves, and a 3.5 star energy rating.

Dispenser: Ice and water

Finish Colour: Stainless Steel

Finish Colour Description: EZKleen Stainless Steel

Height 1715 mm
Width 790 mm
Depth 695 mm

Dispenser:Ice and water

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